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Russian Progress Cargo Spacecraft In Trouble On Way To ISS

Posted by on 28 Apr 2015 in Space News

ISS resupply spacecraft Progress 59 launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome at 3:09 a.m. (1:09 p.m. in Kazakhstan) Tuesday on a Soyuz rocket bound for the space station. Right after it separated from the Soyuz booster’s third stage, an unspecified problem prevented Russian flight controllers from determining whether navigational antennas had deployed and whether fuel system manifolds had pressurized as planned.

FAA Proposes Commercial Drone Rules

Posted by on 15 Feb 2015 in Drone News

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) today announced a much anticipated Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) addressing regulations governing commercial drone operations in the USA. Most observers were surprised by the relatively relaxed regulations, though the rules are far from final at this time.

Malaysian Airliner Crash In Ukraine

Posted by on 17 Jul 2014 in Airline News

Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 has crashed in Ukraine’s eastern region just before the border with Russia. The Boeing 777 was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, with 295 passengers and an unknown crew compliment. The government of Ukraine and separatist forces are exchanging accusations that each shot the civil airliner out of the sky.

Drones Banned In US National Parks

Posted by on 20 Jun 2014 in Drone News

A statement issued by the National Park Service in the USA says that a new policy has been implemented to “prohibit launching, landing, or operating unmanned aircraft on lands and waters administered by the National Park Service.”

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